3.2.3 Roll To Hitchkick
Nestwork: Personal Development
Nestwork: Shapes and Flow - Elaborations Video 3 - No Hands Roll To Hitchkick
Transition move combining a Forward Shoulder Roll, Candlestick Pose, and a Hip Bridge controlled and embellished landing. Please ensure you're comfortable with these movements, and that you're warmed up before trying this.
❦ WARM UP SEQUENCE: https://watch.sarahblackmilk.com/videos/1-1-2-warm-up
❦ FORWARD SHOULDER ROLL: https://watch.sarahblackmilk.com/packages/nestwork-refined-movement/videos/2-3-1-forward-shoulder-roll
❦ CANDLESTICK & CORE: https://watch.sarahblackmilk.com/videos/1-3-2-candlestick-core
❦ HIP BRIDGE BODYWAVES: https://watch.sarahblackmilk.com/packages/nestwork-refined-movement/videos/2-1-2-hip-bridge-bodywaves
Up Next in Nestwork: Personal Development
3.2.4 Helicopter Shoulder Stand
Nestwork: Shapes and Flow - Elaborations Video 4 - Helicopter Shoulder Stand
Smooth controlled entry and exit to a Shoulder Stand , with leg movement embellishment, complete with regressions for those working towards a more stable shoulder balance. Please complete the Warm Up before trying this ...
3.3.1 Technical Sequence 1
Nestwork: Shapes and Flow - Floor Flailings Video 1 - Technical Sequence 1
Technical sequences including moves we've worked on, and finding ways to link them together in a flow. This sequence includes a Half Moon Roll, an Alethea Split, Fan Kick Rolls, and Single Leg Circles. Please ensure you'v...
3.3.3 Technical Sequence 2
Nestwork: Shapes and Flow - Floor Flailings Video 3 - Technical Sequence 2
Technical sequences including moves we've worked on, and finding ways to link them together in a flow. This sequence combines a No Hands Roll To Hitchkick, Hip Bridge Bodywaves, an Ass On A Platter pose, and a Backwards S...